Board Training for Youth Club

Every year, our club invites the officers of our club-sponsored Interact and Rotaract clubs for a day of training. This year, on September 23, the Board Training was hosted on the campus of SCIS HongQiao with the assistance of Teacher Adviser Matthew Kushner.

The training started at 11am, yet, from 10:15, Interactors of SCIS HongQiao were outside in the rain helping visitors find their way to the conference room.

In total, 3 teacher advisers and 30 Interactors and Rotaractors attended ( from Interact club of SEFLS, Interact Club of SHSID, Interact Club of SAS Pudong, Interact Club  of SCIS Puxi, Interact Club of NanMo, provisional Interact Club of SAS Puxi, Rotaract Club of Shanghai, Rotaract Club of NYUSH and guest Rotaract Club of Fresh Start).

The training featured 8 speakers.

  • 5 from RCS: YSC Ludovic Anterieur, Dir Frank Mulligan, PP Roger Owen, Treasurer CM Tsang, P Motohiro Yamane
  • 1 from RCSW: IPP Lohas (Roy Chu)
  • 1 from RACS: Angela Dunnham
  • 1 from Interact Club of SHSID: Takayasu Yamane (also attending)

Total attendance, 40.

The Training started on time with a welcome speech by SCIS HongQiao Interact President Marcus Tan. The first topic was a brief introduction of Rotary International, Rotary in China, Rotaract, Interact and the values of Rotary, as expected this part was boring. The second topic was presented by Motohiro, legal status update for charity activities in China. The contents were difficult but Interactors gave full attention and later requested the contents.

Lunch break started after this second topic. Food arrived late leaving enough time for each clubs to introduce themselves. Pizzas arrived 15 minutes late. We cut the pizza boxes in two and used them as plates to reduce waste. Only two pizzas were left over, they were given to and accepted by the cleaning ladies.

Training resumed a little late with Roger presenting RCS Water Project to explain project management. Roger shared his experience, tips for success, then proceeded to split the audience in group asking them to restitute the important points of his speech. The winner team got a box of moon cakes.

Frank came next with a talk about project stakeholders. Similarly to Roger, Frank gave a short lecture and a practical case, again, groups participated in a contest to determine stakeholders. Both these topics had good reception. Our young leaders demonstrated interest, energy, intelligence and humor during the games.

Afternoon break was skipped due to lunch delay.

The second part of the afternoon was for group sessions. On one side, Lohas and Takayasu, both ex presidents of Rotary and Interact clubs shared their experiences with Presidents and Vice Presidents. On the other side, CM shared about the how so important roles of secretary and treasurer. The format allowed for question and answers. IPP Lohas was very happy about this session with the young leaders.

After the group sessions, the audience was whole again to listen or rather discuss with Angela. Angela beamed with energy while talking about Member motivation and recruitment. Angela is from RACS and held many positions in Interact and Rotaract in the States.

The last topic was triple, tips on how to use cloud based services to enhance team work and reduce email flood, Rotary Citation for Interact clubs and Rotary world video contest for Interact clubs.

To end the day, SCIS HongQiao Interact Vice President Angela Zhang thanked everyone and delivered the closing remarks. Board training ended on time with many happy faces despite the rainy day.

Ludovic Antérieur

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