Happy Morning with Youdao

Youdao Social Service Center 嘉定区少农幼儿园 上海市嘉定区徐行镇石皮村456号附近

Time to meet the kids we sponsored scholarship through Golf Tournament. Let’s spend a morning with them doing artcrafts, playing and having fun. Let’s spread LOVE and DEDICATION.
Sign up for the first activity through our Club WeChat group.

RCS Meeting

City Marriot 555 XiZang Road, Shanghai

Handover Night

RCS Meeting

City Marriot 555 XiZang Road, Shanghai

RCS Meeting

Speaker: Jeff Tan on "Influencing"

End of Summer Market

On Sept 1&2 RCS organizes in partnership with Lingshan Charity Foundation (灵山慈善基金会) the End of Summer Market fundraising event for the Library Project. Please kindly forward to your friends and try to come to support the club. En-glish and Chinese versions of the flyer are available for wechat!