Interact Board Training
Hello Everyone,
The 2019 Interact Board training is a wrap!
During the morning, Rotarians Tiziana Richiardi, Frank Mulligan, Andrew Hill and Diane Russell were dynamic speakers and provided essential information, ideas and skills! RACS President Chloe Kamps inspired students to join Rotaract clubs in their various universities in the future! SSES Principal David Richardson shared the value of effective communication in teamwork and Dean Jasmine Cao provided a venue and support throughout the entire event! Our Advisors showed the depth of their dedication by sacrificing their time and energy on a weekend – there aren’t enough words to describe how honored we were to have you! Thank you all so much for making the time and for the level of dependability you’ve displayed. Our gratitude and appreciation doesn’t have expiration and we aspire to attain the level of professionalism, flexibility and compassion you’ve shared with us! Last but not least, to our Interactors and volunteers, you made the day special with your energy and sharing. I’m sorry about the salad…
The afternoon session saw the beginning of a new era of collaboration being born between our schools – we are ONE club! Interactors, advisors and Rotarians drafted a calendar that highlighted opportunities for collaboration beyond Interact! Interactors also provided invaluable information about the merits and challenges of Interact. We hope to use this information to create infographics, ppts and other documents to help support our advisors and students in recruiting members.
Looking to the future, we hope to provide a more comprehensive list of guidelines to ensure the values of our club are maintained. Look out for our upcoming monthly school feature in the Pagoda and an increase in Interactors attending RCS and RACS dinners, events and projects. Our personal inventory database is also in the pipeline. This information should help create stronger links between RCS and education by connecting students to experts in their various fields of academic and extra-curricular interests. Finally, we discussed the possibility of organizing an inter-school Tedtalk and plans for the centennial!
In closing, my most sincere gratitude goes to Rotarians Ludovic Anterieur (who not only took photographs but took our young student photographer under his wing) and Moto Yamane for their unwaivering mentorship and encouragement. I look forward to the exciting year ahead!
Yours through Rotary,
Naomy H. Pena