Rotary Centennial Celebration

Sponsorship Invitation

Dear Fellow Rotarians and Friends,

Rotary is an organization providing humanitarian service, encouraging high ethical standards in all vocations and helping build goodwill and peace in the world. “Service Above Self” is the principal motto of Rotary. Rotarians across the world volunteer in their own communities to support education and job training, provide clean water, combat hunger, improve health and sanitation, eradicate polio and much more.

To celebrate 100 years serving the community, Rotary Club of Shanghai is running a Centennial Party scheduled for October 19, 2019 (Saturday) at Grand Millennium Hong Qiao Hotel Shanghai. We are now asking for your help to gather sponsorship donations to continuously support in RCS projects and programs.

Enclosed you have a sponsorship package proposal.  Please follow the instructions and send the Commitment Form by August 16, 2019 to Rotary Club of Shanghai at

Thank you for your generosity and great support!

Yours in Rotary ,

Terri Lau / President 2019-20

Rotary Club of Shanghai

Terri Lau

President 2019-2020