Visiting RI Headquarters in Evanston

RI Headquarters is located in Evanston, a cozy lakeside town 30 minutes’ drive to the north from Chicago city center.
RI owns the 18 storied building called “One Rotary Center”, built in 1987. Over 500 employees here are supporting the 1.2 million Rotarians in the world. To be sustainable, RI rents out half of the building to generate income.

RI offers a free guided tour. You can book a tour through My Rotary. When we got off the elevator on 18th floor, flags of all Rotary countries were displayed in the hall. They bring those flags to RI Convention for the opening ceremony every year. At the International Hall of Honor, you can see pictures of past RI presidents, of course, including our first Chinese RI President Gary Huang. You can also find a list of annual theme set by each RI President up to “Be the Inspiration”!

You can visit President’s office even if he is away.
Since I have met him 3 times in Shanghai and once in Toronto in person, the portrait of Barry and Esther looked so familiar. Every RI President lives in a condo near the Rotary One Center for two years from the time he becomes President Elect. Barry has already had a big collection of presents which he received though his active travels in the world.

RI Board of Directors meets twice a year here in Evanston, while they meet outside at the site of various international events.
Finally, you will be guided to the 1st floor. A replica of the room where the first Rotary meeting was held on February 23, 1905 is there. Outside the room, you can meet Paul Harris.
This bronze statue was presented by a Japanese Rotarian in 1993.

Motohiro Yamane

Member since: 2009

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