Pagoda Portrait:
Sophia E. D. Slingerland
She is co-chair of membership committee at Rotary Club of Shanghai and the first to shake the hand of any new member: Sophia Slingerland. Pagoda portraits the person behind the office.
When did you join RCS and who was your sponsor?
I joined in 2018 transferring from Switzerland, RC Nyon-La Côte.
Where are you hailing from?
Hamburg, Germany
What are you doing professionally?
I am an architect specialized in sustainable and ecological Architecture. And I also do interior design. As well I have a furniture brand.
What would you like to share with our readers about your family?
I have 4 children (22 – 12 years of age), three boys and 1 daughter. My husband and my 3rd son stayed in Switzerland and I am here together with my daughter.
What are your hobbies, apart from RCS?
Creating in any kind: I paint, I sculpt, I sing, I played the violin for 10 years, I cook, I love to travel and explore the world and meet and learn from different kind of people.
How do you recharge your battery?
In the sea and creating
Best/Last book you read and why
Nelson Mandela, The long way into freedom. An inspiring great mind sharing wisdom, true values and poetry.
What is your favorite place in Shanghai?
Former French Concession
What is your advice to any new member of RCS?