RCS Speaker Meeting November 21, 2023
A larger than usual contingent of colleagues and guests was on hand
to enjoy our meeting of Nov. 21st. After an impressive rendition of
the 4-Way Test, delivered by Titus Bongart, we enjoyed an educational,
and often humorous, induction speech by Stefan Franzen. 3000 ducks!
(Ask him about this.)
After a tasty dinner, we learned, from Visiting Rotarian and former Dis-
trict Governor Faisal of the Rotary Club of Lahore Shaqi, of the yeoman
efforts Rotary is making in Pakistan to eliminate the last few cases of
polio there.
Then it was on to our “headliner” event, a presentation on “Medita-
tion in Business” from our own Holger Schober. Using a combination
of statistics, good humor, and enthusiasm, Holger convinced a good
number of us of the value of using meditation to increase creativity in
the workplace.
We rounded out the evening with a mention by Jeff of his recent par-
ticipation in a Rotary-involved peace conference in Kenya, and Tiziana
pointing to a few upcoming events, including our holiday dinner and
market on Dec. 12th. Turkey, here we come! (except the vegetarians)
Written by Rtn. Jeff