SCMC Visit

Visiting young leukemia patients in the Shanghai Children Medical Center

Youdao Family Day

After the Charity Golf Tournament enabled to support 10 migrant kids scholarships, Rotarians visited the Youdao kindergarten in Fengxian district.

2018 GGE Charity Golf Tournament

Annual Golf Tournament in aid of Youdao Foundation

Field visits with “Roots of Peace”

VP Tracy reports from her visit with "Roots of Peace" in Quang Tri, Vietnam

RCS End of Summer Market

Successful event held at a new venue and raised RMB 26,000 for the Library Project

A Glimpse of Toronto RI Convention

The first moment I was walking into the arrival hall of Toronto Pearson international airport and saw the Rotary International (RI) logo, fellow Rotarians and volunteers working around for convention badge pickup, I could not help but be excited.

RCS/Youdao Family Day with Migrant Kids

Youdao is a small organization founded in 2005 with a simple and meaningful goal: supporting and helping migrant workers children and their families, with both donations from their partners (and Rotary is one of them) and activities held in schools and kindergartens.

Rotary Club Shanghai Annual Party

April, 7th was THE NIGHT! Nearly 130 people gather together to support Gift of Life, our Club signature program to save kids affected by congenital heart disease lives.

Earth Day: Qinghai Tree Planting Project

April, 22nd 2018 , Earth Day. RI President Ian Riseley urged Rotarians in the world have made joint effort to plant more than 1.2 million trees.

Family Day with Youdao Migrants kids

On Saturday, 21st April a group of RCS members, visiting Rotarians and friends visited a kindergarten in Jiading District to meet migrant kids whose scholarship is supported by our club. It was a wonderful day.