Entries by Christian Goettker

Mid-autumn Festival by 7 Mandaring speaking clubs

RC Shanghai Gubei, RC Shanghai West, RC Shanghai Central, RC Shanghai Hongqiao, RC Shanghai Central, RC Suzhou Mandarin and RC Kunshan gather together on Saturday, 16th to celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival. It has been a great family celebration. So many lovely people willing to spend time together, celebrate, chat, enjoy good food in a very nice […]

New RCS “Home”: Letter from President Tiziana Richiardi

Dear fellow Rotarians and friends, We finally found our new home: HUALUXE Shanghai Twelve At Hengshan (12 Hengshan Road Xuhui District, Shanghai 200031~上海 衡山路十二号华邑酒店, 中国上海市徐汇区衡山路 12 号) As you know, the hotel is offering us great support in terms of accommodation, service, and cost. They have only one requirement to better serve us: confirming headcount […]