Visiting RI Headquarters in Evanston

Rotary Shanghai IPP Motohiro Yamane visits the RI headquarters in Evanston near Chicago

A Glimpse of Toronto RI Convention

The first moment I was walking into the arrival hall of Toronto Pearson international airport and saw the Rotary International (RI) logo, fellow Rotarians and volunteers working around for convention badge pickup, I could not help but be excited.

Moments from Toronto RI Convention

A princess, 3 prime ministers, and a former first lady join 25,000 in Toronto to celebrate Rotary’s good work and plan more of it

Rotaractors Handover

On Monday 11th the Rotaract Club of Shanghai dressed in black, white and gold celebrated a new year.

Rotary Sport Fellowship

Special thanks to Rotary Club of Adelaide who welcomed Shanghai Rotary members to Celebrate at Jiangwan Stadium for the 2nd Australian Football  League (AFL), one of the most popular Australian Sports and so intrinsically linked to Australian Culture.

A Presidential Week

This has been a busy week for Rotarians in Shanghai and China thanks to the special visit of Rotary International President Elect Barry Rassin and spouse Esther.

Rotary Club of Fremont, US

May 16th Tracy and I were guest of Herb Zhao, Rotarian of Club Fremont. 

Charter Ceremony: Interact Club of Shanghai American School Puxi

On Thursday May 10th 2018, at 15:15, our 8th Interact Club had its Charter Ceremony in the auditorium of SAS Puxi campus.

Rotary Club Shanghai Annual Party

April, 7th was THE NIGHT! Nearly 130 people gather together to support Gift of Life, our Club signature program to save kids affected by congenital heart disease lives.

A story of Hope, A success for Gift of Life

On March, 20th night, Shanghai Rotary Club received an unexpected surprise during regular dinner meeting thanks to the organization of our SR Frank Yih, Rio Yuan and Rtn. Terry Chu.